The Shift From Finding Value to Guided by Values

One of the many needs that we fulfill by our participation in competitive sports is the need for self worth and value. We surround ourselves with like-minded people with similar goals and interests, and we take on a role that allows us to pursue that value within a team or sport. Feeling a sense of […]

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The Values Behind Our Goals:

Where they come from determines the amount of fulfillment we experience. One of the ‘givens’ of competitive sports, whether individual or team oriented, is that success starts with having clear and attainable goals. The starting point of any progress is setting the right direction, and that all starts with where you want to wind up. […]

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Welcome Survey

As a part of our efforts to better meet the needs of our readers, we are collecting information on your backgrounds and interests relative to your competitive experiences and life beyond. If you are willing to help us to develop meaningful content, please click on this link to take this brief survey.

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From Driven to Driver: When the voice that drives you becomes an echo

Attaining an elite status in competition requires a tremendous amount of inner drive and self discipline. The fire comes from the inside, and yet the skills that we employed were most definitely learned from others. We all had coaches who taught us, challenged us, and brought us new opportunities. They took our talent and drive […]

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The Need to Belong: Our place in a team or sport as a fulfillment of a basic need.

From our earliest years, sports can provide a sense of belonging and acceptance. The experience is built into the structure of sport. In team sports, we are accepted as a part of the group, uniforms identify us as such, and we are drawn together by competition on a regular basis. While the outward trappings of […]

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The Manner of Endings

Does the manner in which our competitive careers end impact our pursuit of fulfillment beyond? There are any number of different circumstances that can bring about the ending of a competitive career. We can be cut from a team, be injured in ways that diminish our effectiveness, simply age out of some required age span, […]

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