Community Discussion Blog

Join in our discussions on a wide variety of topics confronting athletes after competition ends. Share your own experience and wisdom to help others. Welcome, 'Shifters'...

Welcome to Competitor Shift

Please follow this link to fill out our introductory survey. We will use information collected to insure that future posts and resources meet the needs of our readers. The game is over. The crowds have gone home. Accolades have been handed out, and you find yourself in the twilight of what once seemed an unending […]

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The Manner of Endings

Does the manner in which our competitive careers end impact our pursuit of fulfillment beyond? There are any number of different circumstances that can bring about the ending of a competitive career. We can be cut from a team, be injured in ways that diminish our effectiveness, simply age out of some required age span, […]

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In what ways is competitive drive a plus and a minus?

While we talk a lot about life after sports being a very personal experience, there are some things we have in common no matter what the sport or the level. One is focus. In order to compete at a higher level, we all needed to be able to lock in on a goal or an […]

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What I Need… How Competition Fulfills Basic Human Needs

One of the reasons why the transition to life after competition can be so challenging comes from a very simple matter of each of us being human. We are wired to fulfill our basic needs in somewhat predictable patterns. This concept was first described in the work of psychologist Abraham Maslow in the 1960’s when […]

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When is a heavy load too heavy?

Turning to mental health professionals.  We all had the speech at some time or another. “Know the difference between Pain and Injury” – one is a part of the game, and the other is a reason to step out of it. It’s a distinction that many of us were forced to make during our competitive […]

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The Question of Coaching

To Coach, or Not to Coach: Is it an automatic? Please click on this link to go to the Competitor Shift survey regarding the decision whether or not to coach. For many of us, a transition from competition to coaching is nearly expected of athletes once they end their competitive career. For some, this is […]

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What’s your fuel?

Volition and how it works for us. The concept of ‘Volition’ is at the heart of any discussion regarding both motivation within a sport, and how best to adjust to life after it. In short, volition is our fuel. It’s what drives us to compete. Volition is not the drive itself; it is what causes […]

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