Does the manner in which our competitive careers end impact our pursuit of fulfillment beyond? There are any number of different circumstances that can bring about the ending of a competitive career. We can be cut from a team, be injured in ways that diminish our effectiveness, simply age out of some required age span, […]
Welcome to Competitor Shift
Please follow this link to fill out our introductory survey. We will use information collected to insure that future posts and resources meet the needs of our readers. The game is over. The crowds have gone home. Accolades have been handed out, and you find yourself in the twilight of what once seemed an unending […]
Successful Versus Fulfilled
How some achievement can feel disappointing for former athletes. Ever had a moment when you arrived at some kind of achievement, and found yourself feeling less than excited about it? Maybe your sales group hit a goal or the team you coach won a big game. Maybe you won an award for a club that […]
Competitive Athletes in the Lead.
Five ways that competitive sports prepare athletes for leadership in life after sports, and three ways that they don’t. Competitive people tend to look for ways in which to advance, in most of the different areas of their lives. Professional advancement, and in particular leadership opportunities, are no exception. It is one of the most […]
Leadership and Life After Competitive Sports
Does our competitive nature drive us to advance in our careers? Drive and determination are not unique to the competitive athlete. They are necessary to exist in our world. That said, they are not as readily present in the world outside of sport, though they are quite an asset when navigating most corporate or public […]