We are Competitor Shift.

We are a community of athletes, joined by a common history of high-level competition. We come here to share experiences and insights as we work toward a fulfilling life after sports.

Welcome to Competitor Shift.

Our purpose is to create a place where former competitive athletes can come to discuss and exchange ideas about how best to pursue fulfillment in life after their days of competition are over.

We are a community.

Athletes are always athletes, but our window of competition does not last forever.  So, what happens when it ends? Those experiences that pushed us, that defined us, that we prepared for and lived for do come to a close. We take the skills that we built over a lifetime and we apply them to the next chapter in our lives. But for many of us, it doesn’t feel the same.

Welcome “Shifters”…

Growing up immersed in competitive athletic experiences shaped us as people. It became a part of who we are. The sport, the degree of success, our environment, and our experiences all impact the nature of the outcome, but there are many commonalities that we share that impact the ways in which we experience competition and life after it.

That is where Competitor Shift comes in. This is a place where we can come to interact with others who have shared that experience. People here understand the rush of competition, and the deafening silence that comes when those days are over. There are resources here to share, opportunities to compare experiences and viewpoints, and solutions to some of the more common challenges experienced in life after competition.

Our members come from:

We have competed in some of the highest levels of sport. Olympic, professional, collegiate, international amateur. We are swimmers, runners, soccer players, basketball players, and golfers. We are skiers and hockey players, football players and fighters. Most sports are represented here, and all are welcomed. We share the common bond of having lived the experiences of competitive sport.

This is not a fan site. We require that all who join us do so respecting the privacy and experiences of others in the community. Trolls and creepers are not welcomed here. Our purpose and our outcomes are positive. We are all after the same thing. A fulfilling path forward in life when our competitive days are done.

If you have competitive athletics in your past, or your present, and you are looking ahead with a feeling that something is missing, please join in. If you have had these feelings and have overcome them, join in as well. We need you to take part in our community.

The founder of Competitor Shift:

Scott Laliberte is a former Division I football player at the University of New Hampshire. After attaining all conference honors as an offensive lineman, he went on to become a successful career educator and coach. In that role, he has mentored a considerable number of athletes through the transition to life after competition, including his daughter, a former collegiate soccer player. He holds a BA in English from UNH, and a MEd. and CAGS in Educational Leadership from Plymouth State University. He currently serves as Superintendent of Schools in Londonderry, NH.

He started Competitor Shift because he aspires to help other athletes with this challenging transition from the highs of competition to a fulfilling life beyond. In spite of a very successful career, he still seeks fulfillment in his own life after competition. He hopes for a more expedient journey for his daughter, and all who join in the conversations in Competitor Shift.

Contact us

Email us at: competitorshift@gmail.com

Follow us on Twitter: @CompetitorShift

Instagram: competitorshift

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Rancho Cucamonga, CA 958743d

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(903) 800-0001

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